Well I have been waiting for this for a while. I have kept track for the last 5 years of all oil delivery's and prices. Last season I burned 909 gallons of oil at 3.89 a gallon. Yeah 3529.98 to heat my house. Well I said enough is enough. I had a napoleon 1402 installed and I installed programable thermostats in the house. I have 4 zones and each zone is turned off when we are home. I have been lighting the insert to get the house to a comfy 72 degrees. Today I had 74 gallons of oil delivered at 3.49 a gallon. Last year for my december delivery I had 107 gallons delivered for a savings of 33 gallons. I'm pumped and thrilled to have pulled the trigger on the insert. The next delivery will be in one month typically the last 5 years the delivery is 130 gallons.Then the same for february 130 gallons. the insert is really cutting into my oil bill. We use oil to heat the hot water so it turns on itself. All my wood is free my neighbor had a tree cut 2 years ago and I got the wood oak I have about three cords.