Know of a good siphon for misc. home needs?

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 19, 2005
I had a siphon that was powered by a cordless drill, but it and it's replacement broke. Since then I have tried to use mouth suction on tubing but a mouthful of gas quickly kills that approach.

This is just for jobs around the house. Possible uses include siphoning gas from vehicles to run my generator, removing bad gas from equipment, etc.

I thought I wanted a 'Shaker Siphon' I saw but realizing the end with the shaker device would never fit into my gas tank.
Is there a marina near you? Outboard engine tanks use a bulb pump to establish flow. Reasonably cheap and durable.
I've used a turkey baster many a time.
Small pump bulb siphon for filling kerosene heaters.

That's what I use. Works great. I was concerned that the gas might eat it, but no problems after a couple of years.
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