After getting into firewood/cooking wood, it hadn't occured to me until now that I have two trees in the back that I've been cutting and throwing away. Anyone know if this a wood I should be holding onto? Bears no fruits nor nuts. Here are some photos of the leaves and trees.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Maybe I have two Gold trees in my backyard lol Speaking of, I have a tree in the front that still seems to be green even in 15° weather. Has dropped acorns everywhere. I'll post that up in a sec. I'd like to get familiar with the trees on my property at least
Any help is greatly appreciated. Maybe I have two Gold trees in my backyard lol Speaking of, I have a tree in the front that still seems to be green even in 15° weather. Has dropped acorns everywhere. I'll post that up in a sec. I'd like to get familiar with the trees on my property at least