I had a kozy heat csk-31 rf gas insert installed into an existing woodburning fireplace. It has an intake and exhaust venting, each 3" flexible ducting, similar to a clothes drier vent duct. One of the ducts wasn't long enough, so they had to extend it with another piece of metal duct. The manual states the intake vent can be cut short and just a few feet above the fireplace, if desired. On the off chance that it was the exhaust side they extended, and if they only connected it with metal or aluminum tape, what is the worst case if the exhaust side comes loose a few feet from the kozy heat termination cap on the chimney? I'm hoping that it just wouldn't stay lit if that's the case and nothing serious. The ducts are inside a chimney designed for wood-burning that would get much hotter, I just don't remember for sure that they put a fitting between metal duct when they extended it. But I do remember them taping around the two connected ducts. About a month ago the termination cap had come off due to high winds, and the fireplace wouldn't stay lit. They came back to put it back on and add a decorative top to keep the winds away, and then it works fine. I'm hoping that would be the result if the exhaust duct came loose a few feet down also, and nothing serious.