I am restoring a Lopi Freedom wood stove that I got in very poor condition from a craigslist ad. I restored the door and in the process I disassembled it. I polished the brass front, sanded and painted the rusty frame and replaced the broken glass.
I put the door back together last night and for the life of my I can't figure out which way the little catch goes on the shaft of the handle. I tried several ways and it doesn't seem right to me. Can someone please post a picture of the catch on the inside of the door so I can see how it goes on the handle shaft?
I put the door back together last night and for the life of my I can't figure out which way the little catch goes on the shaft of the handle. I tried several ways and it doesn't seem right to me. Can someone please post a picture of the catch on the inside of the door so I can see how it goes on the handle shaft?