A house was flattened several months ago near my house and they built two smaller houses on the lot. They also cut down several large trees. Today I noticed a sign out front that said "free firewood", so I went to investigate. Don't know what kind of wood it is.
Here's a video showing how much there is:
I already got about 3 cords of wood from another neighbor in the last couple of weeks so I'm all set for next winter already. The wood I got is mostly black locust with some maple and elm mixed in, which is great stuff for this part of the country. Most of the wood available here is usually fir, cedar and cottonwood.
Makes me a little sad that I'm already stocked up, because this wood is right along a driveway, so it's easy loading. If only I had room to store more wood. If anyone is nearby, this is in Shoreline, WA just north of 183rd and Ashworth.
Here's a video showing how much there is:
I already got about 3 cords of wood from another neighbor in the last couple of weeks so I'm all set for next winter already. The wood I got is mostly black locust with some maple and elm mixed in, which is great stuff for this part of the country. Most of the wood available here is usually fir, cedar and cottonwood.
Makes me a little sad that I'm already stocked up, because this wood is right along a driveway, so it's easy loading. If only I had room to store more wood. If anyone is nearby, this is in Shoreline, WA just north of 183rd and Ashworth.