We went away camping for 6 days and got back yesterday. No sign of any activity in my stove before departing. I’ve had a single bird find its way down my flue in the past, Id hear it fluttering around and one of my dogs usually alert me to the activity in the stove but this time I came home to 8 Birds in my firebox! Unfortunately we were away for too long and they didn’t make it. I have to imagine one made its way in and all the others heard it calling and made their way in to only meet their demise. Keep an eye and ear out for our feathered friends. It was surely a surprise and must of been a rough struggle. I won’t post the pics as nobody needs to see that, but lots of bird poop and you can see where they even tried to escape by going behind the BKs side shields inside the box as a lot of creosote had been pushed out into my previously clean stove by their activity.