:lol: Well I broke down and bought a new Sthil MS270c and it sure beats the old but new craftsman 42cc
This thing is a beast its light in weight and the sound that comes from this saw will knock your socks off
Did I tell you All that I bought my first man saw.This saw will eat trees for breakfast on a bad day.I cant wait to fire that mother up tommorow and get some tree damage cleaned up from last weeks storm
I think Ill break out the beer and give that saw a nice toast and look at it for a while shes still nice and shiny.
Ive allways used a craftsman and Boy that was a mistake'
Holy crap I bought a new saw that going to last for a long time.
I thought that I was paying to much but the way my wife and I look at it.Its like paying for two cords of wood And around her its gooing up in price average price $190to$260for mixed hardwoods .And for me nothing in the long run
My God bless this saw so it last along time
Ha do I have to break this new saw in? Or can i just give it hell tommorow ? They did say anthing at the dealer ship
Man Now that a nice saw Sthil MS270c
Man O Man Im Going out back to firer it up just to hear it idle.
This thing is a beast its light in weight and the sound that comes from this saw will knock your socks off
Did I tell you All that I bought my first man saw.This saw will eat trees for breakfast on a bad day.I cant wait to fire that mother up tommorow and get some tree damage cleaned up from last weeks storm
I think Ill break out the beer and give that saw a nice toast and look at it for a while shes still nice and shiny.
Ive allways used a craftsman and Boy that was a mistake'
Holy crap I bought a new saw that going to last for a long time.
I thought that I was paying to much but the way my wife and I look at it.Its like paying for two cords of wood And around her its gooing up in price average price $190to$260for mixed hardwoods .And for me nothing in the long run
My God bless this saw so it last along time
Ha do I have to break this new saw in? Or can i just give it hell tommorow ? They did say anthing at the dealer ship
Man Now that a nice saw Sthil MS270c
Man O Man Im Going out back to firer it up just to hear it idle.