I have a PE Vista insert. I've noticed that when I run it on low air flow, that I can smell wood smoke a little bit near my house if I go down wind sometimes and of course when I am first starting it or when I add new wood. My neighbor two doors down is complaining about smoke a lot. He got the neighborhood association to put in stuff against woodburning in the newsletter and also says he put a HEPA filter on his fresh air intake. He says that he hasn't been able to figure out where it is coming from (maybe because my fireplace insert doesn't really show smoke except when I start it) or else he is being polite. He has got to be pretty dumb if he doesn't know I burn 'cause he must hear me chopping and see the wood delivered in summer. Any suggestions? I don't want to make an enemy but I really like my fire and the unit is put in with all permits and inspections and I paid a bundle for the insert and liner. The good thing is the city allows wood burners.