New Dog Needs Help......Vista Flame 100fpi

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Feb 2, 2013
My wife and I want to put an insert into our fireplace. We are leaning towards a pellet stove but the cost investment is very hard for us to swallow versus a wood insert. I noticed this sale via (broken link removed to A brand new VF 100FPI for $1570. Is this a good price? I'm a little leary though because I can't find very much info on the stove on the web. Is this a good stove? Any other recommendations on an inexpensive stove? I would greatly appreciate any advise you can send my way!!

We reside in Maine in a well insulated 1,000 sq ft ranch. Exterior Chimney.


My wife and I want to put an insert into our fireplace. We are leaning towards a pellet stove but the cost investment is very hard for us to swallow versus a wood insert. I noticed this sale via (broken link removed to VF 100FPI for $1570 Is this a good price? I'm a little leary though because I can't find very much info on the stove on the web. Is this a good stove? Any other recommendations on an inexpensive stove? I would greatly appreciate any advise you can send my way!!

We reside in Maine in a well insulated 1,000 sq ft ranch. Exterior Chimney.


I have a VF100fs and have been heating with it for 7 winters. It has been a good stove but there are a few things to know about it. The stove is a rebranded Enviro Meridian. You can go to Enviro's web site and read about it there. I have been happy with mine. The price that is quoted to you is very good . I paid $2200 for mine 7 years ago. I would find out more about the guy selling these before buying one from him. Does he install them too? How about service? Does he service them too? I have the name of a service tech in cental Maine that has worked on mine if you want it.
1) The igniter is not easy to change out. The screws that secure it to the stove are hard to get to and unless you put a coating of high temp never seize on them, you probably not be able to get them out when the igniter goes.

2) Take out all the screws on the inside of the stove and put the high temp never seize on them.

3)During the summer, put a conainer of damp-rid on the inside of the stove to keep it from rusting.

4) Make sure the stove is plugged into a surge protector.

5) Don't get the log set for the inside. It makes cleaning difficult.

Here is a link to The company's web site.

(broken link removed)

If you need any more info let me know
I just spoke with them and the surround is not included in that price. Is this a common practice?
Sorry not to re post till now, but I was gone for the day. I don't know, but that sounds funny to me. How much are they going to put the bite on you for it? It's like selling you the stove without an igniter. You will also need a vent hose to go up the chimney for the smoke and that probably isn't something you won't be able to do yourself. If it were me, I would wait till April when the dealers are clearing out their stock and get the whole stove, surround and all ,with anything else that might be needed at a package price installed. That's how I bought a St. Croix Afton Bay for my house on Prince Edward Island. I paid $2400 installed for a floor model three Aprils ago. It's a great stove ; very similar to the VF100.
very nice stove and a great price . love mine . yea some retailers sell the surround separately . how much extra are they asking for the surround ? and it's not "rebranded" . sherwood sells their stoves under 3 different names enviro , vistaflame and regency .
very nice stove and a great price . love mine . yea some retailers sell the surround separately . how much extra are they asking for the surround ? and it's not "rebranded" . sherwood sells their stoves under 3 different names enviro , vistaflame and regency .
The pictures will show the rebranding of my VistaFlame VF100. Note the product tag inside the hopper lid and the VistaFlame logo on the ashpan door. [] New Dog Needs Help......Vista Flame 100fpi[] New Dog Needs Help......Vista Flame 100fpi[] New Dog Needs Help......Vista Flame 100fpi
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