According to the latest user's manual dated 04/21 the QuadraFire Trekker now utilizes a standard thermostat and control setup. They are also no longer are producing the wireless BT user interface.
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Trekkers with serials numbers after HF3156001 will come with the wired thermostat and compatible control board and controls.
I imagine the older style (serial numbers before HF3156001) with the BT user interface can be retrofitted with the latest control board and other parts to be changed over to the wired thermostat. I assume the owner will have to bare the burden of paying for this retrofit if they choose to go in that direction, unless their dealer can document problems with the BT controlled system.
-Warren Z.
(broken link removed to
Trekkers with serials numbers after HF3156001 will come with the wired thermostat and compatible control board and controls.
I imagine the older style (serial numbers before HF3156001) with the BT user interface can be retrofitted with the latest control board and other parts to be changed over to the wired thermostat. I assume the owner will have to bare the burden of paying for this retrofit if they choose to go in that direction, unless their dealer can document problems with the BT controlled system.
-Warren Z.