Pics for Jags

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Adios Pantalones

Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
I made one like this, but it (and another that I was excited about) blew up in the bisque firing, so I remade it. I like the new one- the eye cutouts give it an alien effect I think, and I like that even with empty eyes it seems to have some expression with just a head tilt and hand gesture.

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Here's another recent one, though the picture could be better
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Here's the original
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The other one that blew up
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Here they are blown up
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I think I like the successful one even a little bit better than the original. In that second pic, the one on the couch looks so life like.

Edit: what causes them to blow up like that?
There are some thick areas- if there's too much water in them, then when they heat up the water turns into steam inside the clay. Boom.This can be avoided by a number of means- including clay selection, long drying period, and "candling", where the kiln is kept on really low for several hours first.

It may have been a failure of the clay in the leg of Rutsy the robot, and he clipped the other one on the way down- I dunno for sure.

The one on the couch stays close if there's a lap to sit on or beer/wine/bourbon to beg for by the drop.
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how you sculpt my nightmares? now I'm haunted day and there no sanctuary? why, why I say?
I think the empty eyes are part of the expression.
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What no junk? Cool stuff.

I watched the artist Wayne White "Beauty is embarrassing" on PBS "Independent Lens" last night. Oh man, that guy is fascinating to watch. A bit foul mouthed, but he oozes creativity. If you can catch it, watch past the first 10 minutes and bleeped out curse words, and you can see this guys ideas are far out.

I believe you can watch it online.
As always, I love your work. My wife just started a clay class last week. I showed her all your stuff and even found the video that you posted while ago.
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