Why does every post in the "Classic Stove Forum" have someone bothering the original poster to go buy a new EPA stove instead of the classic stove they want to use? I feel like I'm at Starbucks everytime I try to read and learn things on this site. Wouldn't it be prudent to mention that putting a simple baffle in the old stove and checking to see that the door seals correctly will increase it's burn times? Sorry, not trying to go on a rant but it is quite bothersome to see the same thing repeated over and over on every thread. Please at least try to answer the posters questions first before shaming them to buy a new stove. So many of these threads are simply a question from an old stove owner and a reply from someone telling them their old stove sucks and that they should buy a new one with no info or help given whatsoever. You don't see classic stove owners on the other forums scaring new stove owners in every thread about how well they have to season their wood to get their stoves to burn right do you? Do these posters also tell everyone they meet who doesn't drive a Prius that their car sucks and they should get one? Please go be a stove snob somewhere other that the "Classic Stove Forum". Some of us want to learn things that come with people using and or modifying their old stoves. Some of us don't want to replace baffles and burn tubes that fall apart. Some of us don't want a stove we can't use when the power is out. Okay, rant over, I had to do it. So please people, stop whipping out your EPA mantra every time someone posts on the "Classic Stove Forum".
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