Hi there - I am a new member, and I will undoubtedly have many, many questions, as we just purchased a cabin with two fireplaces and two additional chimneys were we plan to put wood stoves. Yay!! We are very excited, but it is hard to decide where to start and where to allocate the most of our limited financial resources......one of the fireplaces is in the center of the cabin, so I figured this was a good spot to invest in a really high quality insert. Unfortunately, I am not in love with the look of any of the inserts and find myself wishing we could achieve the look of the "fireplace" rather than a retrofitted insert. We plan on eventually putting a rock veneer over the brick that is now on the fireplace.....if we are able to make the faceplate fit exactly with the new veneer, could we make a " fireplace " work?? I hope that question makes sense....I am referring to what I assume are prefabricated fireplaces, which to me look very, very similar to the inserts, only they fit cleaner, without the big surround. Thank you so much for your help. Currently, I am feeling overwhelmed with all the stove/insert/fireplace options we have! BTW, we live in the mountains of SW Montana, so the more heat, the better!