Customer said stove working iratic since my service they are new to homeso no history before my service but was working Great after I service.
Now when you turn stay up or push reset button only a click from control box.
Test high limit in auger closed power going through.
Test limit switch on firebox closed power running through.
Test fuse in stove and inside control box good.
Unplugged all blowers and auger motor to be sure no shorts
Thermocople ohms out at 1.5 I'm not sure what it is supposed to be.
Control box still just clicked.
Don't want her paying $350 for control box if it is something I missed.
Now when you turn stay up or push reset button only a click from control box.
Test high limit in auger closed power going through.
Test limit switch on firebox closed power running through.
Test fuse in stove and inside control box good.
Unplugged all blowers and auger motor to be sure no shorts
Thermocople ohms out at 1.5 I'm not sure what it is supposed to be.
Control box still just clicked.
Don't want her paying $350 for control box if it is something I missed.