I recieved 3 cords of cut split and 3 years seasoned silver maple from a kind, generous neighbor. I have 6 cords of other quality hardwoods C/s/s(red oak, shagbark, elm,cherry, hedge, hackberry) those 6 cords have only been up since January and I've been worried about trying to run them through my new cat stove. I plan to use mostly the good dry silver maple. What can I expect from the silver maple? Ex heat output, burn time, coaling, ash formation, ect?
Edit. FYI I doubt I'll burn more than 3 cords this winter. If I do I can slip some hedge splits in with the maple.
Edit. FYI I doubt I'll burn more than 3 cords this winter. If I do I can slip some hedge splits in with the maple.
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