As a "born again woodburner behind the proverbial eight ball" I'm in full scrounge mode right now . . . mainly cleaning up a bunch of standing dead elm on my property, cutting up some slabs left over from some milling at my brother's place and soon I will be cutting some maple tops (cut this past Spring) and looking for some ash on my property . . . and in the meantime I'm doing what appears to be the new woodburner "thing to do" as I'm scrounging for pallets.
Well today I came into town early and picked up some pallets which I loaded on my trailer (custom built SS snowmobile/ATV/wood hauling trailer). Since space is at a premium at work I dropped the trailer off at the City's fenced in Training Facility since I knew the FD wasn't going to use the facility today. To make a long story short I went out this early afternoon to pick up some empty fire extinguishers and lo and behold what do I find but a firefighter training class going on . . . and get this . . . they're going right to town on my trailer load of pallets.
So I go up to the instructor and tell him that it's mighty nice of him to help me cut up my "firewood" . . . poor guy had no idea . . . turns out that this class was scheduled to cut up some pallets as part of their ventilation class and a local Fire Chief had agreed to drop off some pallets for the class at a different location. The guy heading up this class thought the Chief had simply dropped the pallets off at the training facility and so was chopping them up like there was no tomorrow.
Of course I told the guy that I had no problem with them chopping up my wood . . . as long as they load it back on to my trailer . . . and I asked him to tell the firefighters to try to chop it to 18 inch lengths. We'll see how good a job they've done when I pick up my trailer today after work.
Well today I came into town early and picked up some pallets which I loaded on my trailer (custom built SS snowmobile/ATV/wood hauling trailer). Since space is at a premium at work I dropped the trailer off at the City's fenced in Training Facility since I knew the FD wasn't going to use the facility today. To make a long story short I went out this early afternoon to pick up some empty fire extinguishers and lo and behold what do I find but a firefighter training class going on . . . and get this . . . they're going right to town on my trailer load of pallets.
So I go up to the instructor and tell him that it's mighty nice of him to help me cut up my "firewood" . . . poor guy had no idea . . . turns out that this class was scheduled to cut up some pallets as part of their ventilation class and a local Fire Chief had agreed to drop off some pallets for the class at a different location. The guy heading up this class thought the Chief had simply dropped the pallets off at the training facility and so was chopping them up like there was no tomorrow.
Of course I told the guy that I had no problem with them chopping up my wood . . . as long as they load it back on to my trailer . . . and I asked him to tell the firefighters to try to chop it to 18 inch lengths. We'll see how good a job they've done when I pick up my trailer today after work.