I answered a curb alert ad on Craigslist. The ad was about 5 hrs old. When I emailed the poster he said there was a good bit left. I'm thinking that means the choice pieces were gone and what was left were the smaller branches and crotch pieces as is typical for a Craigslist "free firewood" ad.
When I finally got there, I pulled up to find this from a behemoth water oak:
The rounds averaged 12" to 14". Most pieces were cut 12" to 18 with several longer pieces. I spent the evening culling out anything that had two hearts or giant knots. Every pieces is super green with absolutely no dead wood.
This will be a nice break in for my new Isocore Maul that will be here next week.
When I finally got there, I pulled up to find this from a behemoth water oak:
The rounds averaged 12" to 14". Most pieces were cut 12" to 18 with several longer pieces. I spent the evening culling out anything that had two hearts or giant knots. Every pieces is super green with absolutely no dead wood.
This will be a nice break in for my new Isocore Maul that will be here next week.