Hi and thanks to all. I found this forum a few months ago and have been lurking and reading and taking notes. Thanks to all for your vast knowledge in all areas of wood burning. I have been using a cat stove (CDW Sequioa) for the last 20 years and acquired my knowledge by trial and error. I've got to say that once you know how a cat stove works, it is fantastic. It has heated our home (2400sf) up in the Catskill Mountains of NY for all those years. It was mostly weekend and vacation "years" until about 4 years ago. It's more of a full-time place now. Replaced the cat in it about 2 years ago for the first time, when I had realized that it was not as efficient as it had once been. I also found that it had an internal crack, probably from being over fired at one time or another. That's when I realized that it was time to replace and upgrade old Bessie, and put her to secondary use out in the barn. Taking in what many people had to say about various stoves, and a very good and knowledgeable dealer up here on the mountaintop, we decided to go with Harman and the TL300 about a week ago. I've got to say that it is a fantastic stove. I was ahead of the game with the learning curve. It is technically not a cat stove, but works on the same principal, and once you realize the proper operating temperatures, it is great. So thanks to all for the knowledge gained and a very Happy and Healthy New Year to all for 2013.