Now I would never take any credit for this, that goes to people like Backwoods Savage and others that may still be here or not.... But.... I am seeing many people here on this forum that are currently struggling. It still seems that we have quite a bit of a way to go this season, we were still burning in May last year. Being a new burner for your first year can be the hardest thing, there are many things to learn about your stove and your available wood supply. These days will soon be in our past but it is a great time to be thinking about how each of us will accomplish the three year plan. Yes, this year is longer and harder then most but if you can focus on having a three year plan, something like this year will not have an impact on us.....
I ask that you share your thoughts on if you already had a three year plan or for those that now realize why it is important to plan ahead and to get there....Good luck all.....
I ask that you share your thoughts on if you already had a three year plan or for those that now realize why it is important to plan ahead and to get there....Good luck all.....