The wood fairy smiled on me today

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Hearth Supporter
Nov 18, 2005
South Puget Sound, WA
A neighbor asked if I would like some wood from the trees he just had taken down. I said sure. Turned out to be hardwood which is like gold out here. Mostly wild cherry, but there is some alder, hawthorne and a holly in there too. It took 7 loads in the old Ranger. I'm guessing pretty close to 2 cords once split up. It looks like we have our 2015-2016 hardwood stash now. :)

[] The wood fairy smiled on me today

I have a few hundred Hollys you are welcome to. The things remove skin when I am working in the woods.
Holly is actually a pretty nice wood and good firewood once all the prickly stuff is removed.
I am going to be finding out about burning holly since humping big oak is getting to be too much for the old bod. Maybe start clearing those things out of the woods and burning them since they don't grow too big. After thirty years the biggest one on the place is like three or four inches in diameter. They like to stay close to the ground to scratch me.
That cherry looks pretty interesting. Have you detected any sweet fragrance from it? That's the best part of burning the wild cherry here in OH.
looks like we have our 2015-2016 hardwood stash now. :)
Sweet! ;)
That cherry looks pretty interesting. Have you detected any sweet fragrance from it? That's the best part of burning the wild cherry here in OH.
What little I've gotten of Sweet Cherry is pretty similar in most regards to the Black Cherry we see. There's a couple across the street, and every year it's a race to see who gets the cherries first, us or the birds. ;lol
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That cherry looks pretty interesting. Have you detected any sweet fragrance from it? That's the best part of burning the wild cherry here in OH.

Yes, it is slightly aromatic. It makes great firewood.

yooperdave, you are so right. We are blessed with some really nice folks around here.
Score is right !!

Cherry is awesome firewood !! I think it's my fave!
I picked up the last load this morning and dropped off a couple nice bottles of wine in appreciation.
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After thirty years the biggest one on the place is like three or four inches in diameter.
We took one down when we bought the house 5 years ago (it had to go because it was growing into the house) that was 22" DBH and 40 feet tall. The top half was just a bunch of little sticks covered in those awful leaves. The bottom half was nice firewood though. Now mind you, its the biggest holly I had ever seen, but it was big.
Some of mine might have gotten that big except for every time one has scratched me for the last thirty years it got whacked out of my way when I am cutting in the woods. >>
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