Adios Pantalones said:
What happened to you selling that business off? Still looking for a buyer?
Wish you prosperity this season!
When my wood inventory runs out I will liquidate some equipment and use other existing equipment to get into a biomass/chipping operation. Pending enegy prices don't retreat.
Haven't been able to add to inventory since January because of the logging situation.Most of my green wood comes from other mills and processors and this supply has been slowly dropping off for over a year.I saw this slowdown coming years ago when fuel started creeping up and have prepared accordingly to enter the biomass market. We currently haul up to 200 tons/week of wood waste from pallet/crate/flooring manufacturers and market some for campfire/kindling wood and some to mulch producers. This amount of waste wood will give us a head start out of the gate when biomass becomes profitable.
NIMBYism has kept cogeneration out of this part of NY but there are a few projets in the works and more I believe will follow. Pellet demand and biomass will leave many large scale firewood producers with little or no wood to process in the near future. Even timber companies producing their own wood will find it more profitable to sell as raw product for cogen or pellets.
As for the sale of the wood business , everything is always for sale for the right price. LOL