Last night was not monitoring my jotul 3 for a few minutes -- suddenly noticed the stove pipe thermometer had maxed out at 900 degrees.
The magnetic thermometer actually popped off the pipe onto the floor. I immediately shut down air supply -- flue was already shut down -- but the stove kept on blasting for a few minutes, before it died down. Two questions: Could this have caused any damage to stove parts? Is there a stove pipe thermometer available with an audible alarm that can be set? Any other advice on how to avoid sudden stove temp creep...
Last night was not monitoring my jotul 3 for a few minutes -- suddenly noticed the stove pipe thermometer had maxed out at 900 degrees.
The magnetic thermometer actually popped off the pipe onto the floor. I immediately shut down air supply -- flue was already shut down -- but the stove kept on blasting for a few minutes, before it died down. Two questions: Could this have caused any damage to stove parts? Is there a stove pipe thermometer available with an audible alarm that can be set? Any other advice on how to avoid sudden stove temp creep...