So I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee looking at the snow outside and poking around the Internet when the phone rings. It's the property manager at a site with one of our systems. He says that he looked at the graphs and saw that the Froling pellet boiler was running a lot - more than he thinks it should.
I pulled up the graph and looked to see what might be causing that. As it turns out, the main house was almost continuously calling for heat - 'High Demand' - which is baseboards. Compare to the cottage (another building on the same site) in the chart below.
The demand is cycling, so it's not a stuck or shorted thermostat or zone valve. He's going to drive over and see what's wrong. I'm guessing an open door or window, since it's consuming an ungodly amount of heat - looks like around 70,000 BTU/hr. It will be interesting to see what he finds. Without his monitoring, this would have continued until next week at the earliest. As it is, I'm still in my bathrobe and my coffee is still warm. Doesn't get much better for a lazy guy like me.
Happy new year to all.
I pulled up the graph and looked to see what might be causing that. As it turns out, the main house was almost continuously calling for heat - 'High Demand' - which is baseboards. Compare to the cottage (another building on the same site) in the chart below.
The demand is cycling, so it's not a stuck or shorted thermostat or zone valve. He's going to drive over and see what's wrong. I'm guessing an open door or window, since it's consuming an ungodly amount of heat - looks like around 70,000 BTU/hr. It will be interesting to see what he finds. Without his monitoring, this would have continued until next week at the earliest. As it is, I'm still in my bathrobe and my coffee is still warm. Doesn't get much better for a lazy guy like me.
Happy new year to all.