I found what I thought to be a good deal on Craigslist and pulled the trigger. 2011 372XP with 24" bar and chain. He wanted $475, but ended up settling for $450. It's in pretty decent shape aside from him throwing a self tapping screw into the upper left pull start hole which also anchors the chain brake. The threads seem repairable, but I have to order the shim and bolt. I pulled the muffler, and the piston as well as head both look to be in great shape. I don't have anything in the yard worthy of this machine right now but I did cut some smaller stuff - 12" diameter black locust and boy this thing is loud. I have been running a 455 Rancher for the past 2 years and after watching my friend purchase a brand new 372XP this week I got an itch. He paid $950 out the door btw, . So what do you guys think, did I get a good/fair deal? Is there anything else I should take apart and check?
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