What's the order? Good stuff separated? Good stuff strategically placed around bag 90 from the top? Bad stuff always on bottom? Good bag bad bag alternating to mix em as they say? Leanings stacks by brand?
Ill tell you this...my labels have to be all going the same direction and readable. Of I see one upside down bag in th pile I will loose sleep until its fixed.
Couple years ago my wife tossed another brand bag on top of a stacking run of clean fires and I swear my eye was twitching for week.
Ill tell you this...my labels have to be all going the same direction and readable. Of I see one upside down bag in th pile I will loose sleep until its fixed.
Couple years ago my wife tossed another brand bag on top of a stacking run of clean fires and I swear my eye was twitching for week.