A local craigslist add for the renaissance caught my attention, like the styling.
Understanding it's an old stove and parts may be hard to come by i've looked back at the add more than once.
Searching i found 1 comment about low heat output but was unable to find info about lbs per hour. If it's just a low btu stove i'd still be intrested but if it's a poor design i'd pass. Will a Whitfield eat corn?
Any info or comments are appreciated, thanks, john
stove pic here
Understanding it's an old stove and parts may be hard to come by i've looked back at the add more than once.
Searching i found 1 comment about low heat output but was unable to find info about lbs per hour. If it's just a low btu stove i'd still be intrested but if it's a poor design i'd pass. Will a Whitfield eat corn?
Any info or comments are appreciated, thanks, john
stove pic here