I am new to the forum although I did lurk here a lot when researching my purchase of an insert. This place has been a wealth of knowledge in that aspect and a lot of you have helped me without knowing it. For the sake of getting to know the posters here I would like to know why you burn. Is it out of necessity? As in its the sole way you heat your house for whatever reason. Do you enjoy it? We all know its a lot of work. For me personally it really makes no financial sense for me to burn. I may "save" money on my heating bill but I have spent more money on everything that comes with burning (woodshed, upgraded saw, etc.) and it will take me a decade to recoup it (so the wife says). With that being said it is very nostalgic for me as my parents had a wood burner growing up. I get an amazing sense of accomplishment every time I light a fire and the heat comes spiting out. I feel that in today's age anything that requires a lot of work and you do on your own is a lost art. With that said why do you burn?