I am in Western North Carolina and have run across a species of wood I have never seen around here. My woodman is also flummoxed, and he tells me he has shown it to some woodworker friends and they are also puzzled. At first, I thought it might be green ash, but the more I work it, the less sure I am. It's got a yellow tint and a strong spicy smell, especially when wet. It's very hard, meaning most woods flex a little in the instant before it splits. Not this stuff, It's got no give. When I split it, it just pops in two. There are sections of fairly straight grain, though I found many areas of tight waves in the grain. The oddest thing is that there are areas where the wood seems to separate (following the rings), and the layers are about 1/4" thick. In between the layers is a think layer of grey-purple color. I love a good challenge, but after poring over lots of wood identification sites, I can't quite pinpoint this stuff. Any help is appreciated!