Not your average score from what I have seen around here but here is what I scored by answering a free ad on craigslist. I answered an ad for "milled lumber" 5 to 8 foot lengths. After speaking to the woman, I knew that something good was awaiting me. She said her builder milled up these trees that were on her property in order to incorporate them into the home...never happened...this stuff has stacked in her garage for 5 years....she just wanted it gone asap. Load on truck is everything I got. 5/4 red oak boards of varied widths and like 9-11 feet long. Couple uglies but can rip them up. Majority of is is very nice. straight, minimum checking. The rest is pine. 1x6, 1x8 stuff. straight. I am nervous for my 10" ryobi thickness planer. Also got a couple of chunks of doug fir. I measured moisture and have got between 10 and 13 percent. I am thinking the oak will make a nice kitchen island and I have no plans right not for pine. I know this isn't firewood so sorry mods but figured the scroungers around here would appreciate a score like this. When I arrived to pick it up she told em she had over 100 replies for it.