50-TRSSW02 Large Smartstove heats up to 2400 sq ft

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Burning Hunk
Sep 22, 2015
Kamloops BC
Has anyone had any experience with smart stoves? This model is made by Englander. Did a little search here but didn't find anything. I had never heard of them.
Is this a new concept or something I have been blind too?
There are several owners of the smaller brother here. Do a search on Madison, which is it's common model name or 50-SHSSW01.

Also search on 50-SHSSW02 which is the Summer's Heat version of the larger smartstove. This version is sold at Lowes.
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Thanks BG, I see it has been discussed a fair bit. Could be a possible candidate for the shop replacement.......
Thanks BG, I see it has been discussed a fair bit. Could be a possible candidate for the shop replacement.......
Love my Madison. The "smart" feature is flaky and I'm probably ignoring it this year (well, I have another month or 2 before burning begins, so maybe I should take it out & fiddle with the thermostatic spring assembly a bit). Would be interesting to see if the larger one has improved upon it.
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There are several owners of the smaller brother here. Do a search on Madison, which is it's common model name or 50-SHSSW01.

Also search on 50-SHSSW02 which is the Summer's Heat version of the larger smartstove. This version is sold at Lowes.
Im itching to try this stove. I just luv the huge fire viewing door. Theres 1 review about a warped door that required a thicker gasket but i would think englander would make good on a warped door. I want the big daddy model the 2400. Ill probably pull the trigger on this by xmas. Been waiting for a sale but its always $899 at lowes.
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Available for $849 w/free shipping from AM/FM Energy
(broken link removed to http://www.amfmenergy.com/collections/timber-ridge-brand-new-factory-seconds-or-manufacturer-refurbished-stoves/products/newitem1370811643)
I think id rather go for the $899 than take a chance on a refurb. Can usually get at least 5% off sometimes more if i buy i with rewards. I dont see the seasonal price swings on these stoves like i used to anymore.
The AM/FM page says they are blemished new stoves. Not refurbs.
Iv already start making room for the stove in a 3000 Sf house im rehabbing, Iv got NC-30 in there now im moving to the basement. There is no insulation at all installed yet so ill need a lot of BTUs until that changes and ill be running the 30 in the basement and the 50-SHSSWO2 in the main floor which is all open . Iv got an abundance of wood in there i tore out during the rehab so 2 stoves going should help me eat that up.
The AM/FM page says they are blemished new stoves. Not refurbs.
ID think they could do better than $50 off. I bought a few NC-30s for 30% off just because it was off peak season. Id be interested if they did. ITs not quite clear if the stove is a blemished new stove or a factory refurbished ,both descriptions are listed.
Iv already start making room for the stove in a 3000 Sf house im rehabbing, Iv got NC-30 in there now im moving to the basement. There is no insulation at all installed yet so ill need a lot of BTUs until that changes and ill be running the 30 in the basement and the 50-SHSSWO2 in the main floor which is all open . Iv got an abundance of wood in there i tore out during the rehab so 2 stoves going should help me eat that up.
The big glass and view of the fire is pretty much "all that". This is my first EPA-cert stove and it delivered in spades. Chimney only had the typical soot accumulation (didn't measure how much, wasn't a lot) but no notable creosote when I swept it last month.
The big glass and view of the fire is pretty much "all that". This is my first EPA-cert stove and it delivered in spades. Chimney only had the typical soot accumulation (didn't measure how much, wasn't a lot) but no notable creosote when I swept it last month.
Ill report on the fire view although it will be tough to beat my Harman for the fire show ,however the door is larger on this new englander version and im mildly interested in how that auto setback works.
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I think id rather go for the $899 than take a chance on a refurb. Can usually get at least 5% off sometimes more if i buy i with rewards. I dont see the seasonal price swings on these stoves like i used to anymore.
There are several ways to get discounts at Lowes... they used to do coupons, and they may still do them. They usually come in the "moving packet" or "change of address packet" that can get obtained for free from your local post office. Another option is the military discount; active duty and retired military get the discount but usually most Lowe's stores will honor it for non-retired veterans as well (non-retired vets would be those that left service before earning a full-retirement).

"I" just ordered the big one today; I put "I" in quotes because I'm outside the country right now, my brother-in-law, a non-retired vet, ordered it for me and graciously applied his military discount to it. The OTD cost was $865 w/ sales tax...
Yeah any vet with a VA id card can get the Lowe's discount now.
Yeah any vet with a VA id card can get the Lowe's discount now.
I found out that as the brother of 2 vets i can get a 10% discount although im not sure how id do that. Probably have to have my brother order it. Would be a better deal than the AM/FM store. I already told my brother he could have one of my NC-30s as soon as i got a new stove ,last time he had a wood stove was in the 80s and was a smoke dragon. He was the king of chimney fires.
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They are already ugly, so a blemish only hurts their looks fifty bucks' worth. ;);lol
I think the new model is a lot better looking than the NC-30 and the large door makes it worth the trade up. Im giving my brother my NC-30
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Can't do it online. You have to go in the store and present the card.
Hi to all.
Well I have both stove and i burnt on both. I like the MADISON better but the big brother is a power plant when we talk about heat. of course you can put more wood in it and that give more BTUs. I found the AAS works better on reload if you let the fire goes down to just some coals but enough to relight the new load with stove temperatures real low. you reload and let it catch, set the AAS and BINGO. I got those from AM/FM ENERGY with Andy.
They were in good condition and for more I tried to find those BLEMISH mentioned by him, I wasn't able to see them. For me they are new. I believe that pellet stove can sometimes be refurbished or manufacture second, but wood stoves i think they are manufacturer second like new.

I still have both of them but not connect to any flue. I replaced the MADISON with the big brother looking for something bigger and after i did then i start looking for something more flexible when we talk about have better control over the burn plus heat output and then, i purchased a blaze king princess. they are both real good stoves for the money and YES, they can give you lots of heat.

If you have good draft the big one can really become an inferno after the secondaries take place. when i talked with Mike from Englanders He explained to me that not only was bigger than the madison but also has the air system improved. i use to control it better blocking with a magnet the air hole for the DOG HOUSE or ZIPPER and then the wood didn't out gas to much and fast and give me better control of it on those nights when outside temp drop in the 20s and teens.

Hope this help and regards to all
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Just curious, does anybody know if this stove qualifies for the $300 dollar-for-dollar tax-credit? The limit for that credit is 75% efficient, the listed efficiency in the manual is 70.8% HHV, but I seem to recall that when I installed my KozyHeat several years ago it had 2 different efficiency numbers; the EPA HHV was not the number used for tax-credit qualification purposes. Am I mis-remembering on that?

Bottom line, does/can this one qualify for the credit?
I am sure they are. i didn't claim them but i went into the website for Englanders and they are on the certificate that you need to print.
there tells you the form number that needs to be fill with the taxes and some instructions I believe.