Ash Dump/ Framing

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Hearth Supporter
Nov 21, 2006
I was cleaning out the ash pit and took the photo attached looking up at the bottom of the ash dump hatch, I was reaching into the ash pit door with my phone pointed dupward.

I was alarmed to see the wooden framing beneath my fireplace, I'm not sure what I thought supported the fireplace hearth but this concerns me.

The fireplace hearth is brick and is set in concrete 10 inches or so thick (there is about 10 inches from the hatch bottom to the wooden framing); I guess the wood in the photo is essentially formwork for the concrete the brick is set in?

Can the ash dump 'chute' remain open like it is?

I have a Montpelier insert in the fireplace now (since Friday) and I think I'm alright on the hearth R value but the void benmeath the ash dump hatch seem inappropriate.

Any thoughts or suggestions are appareciated.



  • [] Ash Dump/ Framing
    Ash Dump.webp
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My calculations suggest I may be alright on the hearth but I'm still not sure about the void the chute creates and the wood beneath the concrete.

The hearth consists of fire brick (R .45) in mortar (R .1) on 10 inches of concrete (.95).

.95+.45+.1= 1.5, specified R Value is 1.49 for the Montpelier.

Any help or input would be appreciated; help or input that prevents me from removing the new stove and rebuilding the hearth is very much apreciated.

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