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Ralphie Boy

Minister of Fire
Feb 12, 2012
Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
So I found the owner of the land that backs up to mine and ask him about the big ash tree down at the corner marker of our properities. He said he's a burner too but the tree was too far from his house to bother with getting. He went on to say "Take it and the big standing dead white oak next to it if you want it. I hate to see that wood go to waist and thanks for asking.:eek:

You just never know! Yep, pictures tomorrow if it's not raining or snowing!
Nice find Ralphie Boy. Nice find.
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So I found the owner of the land that backs up to mine and ask him about the big ash tree down at the corner marker of our properities. He said he's a burner too but the tree was too far from his house to bother with getting. He went on to say "Take it and the big standing dead white oak next to it if you want it. I hate to see that wood go to waist and thanks for asking.:eek:

You just never know! Yep, pictures tomorrow if it's not raining or snowing!
That puts you on the road to getting ahead.
The Lord works in mysterious ways Humble thyself and yee shall be given wood and bountifully

Truer words were never uttered;)
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Ralphie, is that the tree we talked about a while back? I was wondering how you made out with that one.....
Sounds like a decent neighbor . . . a token gift of some drinks or home baked goods are always appreciated . . . and who knows . . . as a fellow burner you might have just found a partner for working in the woods . . . more hands making for light work and all that you know.
Awesome score, Ralphie! With the White, you got wood for sooner and later. :cool:
Neighbors have given me a lot of wood over the years, and for that I am grateful.
Did he take exception when you said 'My Buck 80 will kick your stove's arse.' ?? ;lol
Nice score and even got to better the neighbor relations!
Here are the pictures. The ash is cut but the oak is still standing. The thought of cutting that bad boy make the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!!!! It's the center tree. In the third photo it's the left fork.

[] Ask and Ye Shall Receive! [] Ask and Ye Shall Receive! [] Ask and Ye Shall Receive!
That looks like the real deal. Nice to have nice neighbors. Take him some home baked cookies and keep him on your side!
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Ralph, make certain what will happen as that tree comes down. Will those dead branches hit anything? You need to know for sure. Also, how bad are they? Know that sometimes dead branches can fall off just while you are cutting the tree due to the vibration. It pays to look things over very carefully.
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