I don't think I have ever known of anyone burning pine here. And we have a bazillion pine trees. Easily, the most prevalent tree. Loblolly and shortleaf mostly. The majority of lands here have been converted to southern pine plantations. Millions of 70ft to 90ft straight pines with no limbs except the top 20% or so. I should just do this and satisfy myself that it's worthy or not. So, how does it split? Can you hand split it? Should you split it green? Let it dry some on its own before splitting? If so, how long? I also have a hydraulic splitter. Sure does have a lot of nasty sap! Any secrets to splitting or burning this stuff? I can get all I want times a million. From Boy Scout days, I know it burns a big flame, just not hot like oak. But the sap, ugh!
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