So I have been lackluster in my collection of black and white newspaper this year for starter material. I have an abundance of xerox paper (all cheapo, black and white ink, waste paper). I actually haven't been able to find a thread talking specifically about computer paper anywhere about whether or not this would be good to burn or not. I guess my concern would be chemicals used to create the paper and ink, but I can't see how it would be any different from newspaper and ink....
Or would I be wrong? Biggest concern really for me is my catalyst....
It is mostly costco copy and print paper... Some threads mention not to use glossy paper or again any paper with color on it....but white plain jane computer paper and black ink from an inkjet? Anyone see any issues here?
Or would I be wrong? Biggest concern really for me is my catalyst....
It is mostly costco copy and print paper... Some threads mention not to use glossy paper or again any paper with color on it....but white plain jane computer paper and black ink from an inkjet? Anyone see any issues here?