EmmaZ said:
Thanks for your post. When I bought the Dell Point Europa, I was taken in by the reassurance of the dealer, who seemed enthusiastic about the stove, their willingness to install it and the internet claims about awards and "Green Technology," which I guess were overblown.
As it is, the stove does function intermittently but caring for it has become more than a pastime. At one point, the manufacturer (Fireplace Products International) claimed to be willing to reimburse me for the cost. I suppose I could contact them again, because my previous letters to them are on record.
The stove is "tantalizing" in the sense that when it works, it does work great and I get "suckered in" again.
Well, I will keep you posted. I just tried starting it again...and all it does is squeal and squeak. Mysterious.
Sorry about your FPI/ Dell-Point problems.
We have ran one since 2006 as well.
Runs every day that we need heat.
2600sq ft with 1500 sq ft basement.
This little stove heats it all till wind and sub-zero temps hit.
On 80 lb or less a day of fuel.
What numbers display on startup (or when it doesn't start)?
The nasty intermittent squeal you describe is most likely the ash augers.
Have you ever removed your ash auger assembly?
The augers will bind and klinker up if the fire runs too low (pellets or corn).
If you maintain an ash level above the bottom row holes in the burn tube and below the second set it will quit squealing.
That bottom hole looks like this while the stove is burning:
A quick swipe (leather glove, cotton towel rag) on the glass and you can see where the ash pile is.
If I can see that hole the combustion fan and ash extraction are both lowered one notch.
I wait 20 minutes or so and look again. See the blow torch of air from that hole hitting the fuel? All is well.
Still low? Another notch lower on the combustion fan and ash extraction. Keep lowering the speeds till the fuel level starts to climb.
When I am running on heat range 1, if the wind isn't blowing, (and it howls here) everything is set to 1 to maintain the correct level.
When the panel freaked out on me, I unplugged the AC line then disconnected the red battery wire.
After a 5 minute rest all was back to normal.
There is lots more.
Just ask.
Hope this helps,