I'm new to the pellet scene but will picking up a free standing stove soon. I love the look of the Mt. Vernon, but I'm torn between being practical and wanting a stove that is advertised to do about everything. My house is +/- 2,000 sf but in the winter months we shut down about 500 sf to cut consumption costs. The house is 40 years old with R11 in the walls, so we're not the most efficient house out there. I guess my concern is that the Mt. Vernon would be too much power for my needs. Is there a downside to too much output, I figure the thermostat would help regulate it but do you then run into ignitor wear issues sooner? Also is there a 50,000 BTU free standing stove that has a similar look? I wish I wasn't so caught up with appearance but this will be the first thing you see upon entering my house. Any info and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone. Jim