In April I had a big dead white oak taken down. I posted some pix on the thread "Heading for the Last Roundup?" Well, now it's some weeks later and the beast has been tamed and put to bed.
Here are pix of the take-down and the resulting masses of wood along with a shot of some of the split, stacked, and covered final product. Also a pile of chunks too gnarly and crotchety to split by hand. My neighbor usually brings in a hydraulic splitter every fall and I'm sure he'll let me have it long enough to deal with those stubborn bits. Once that's done, it'll be three generous cords of prime, solid firewood.
Here are pix of the take-down and the resulting masses of wood along with a shot of some of the split, stacked, and covered final product. Also a pile of chunks too gnarly and crotchety to split by hand. My neighbor usually brings in a hydraulic splitter every fall and I'm sure he'll let me have it long enough to deal with those stubborn bits. Once that's done, it'll be three generous cords of prime, solid firewood.