The installation manual for the P68 states that three screws should be used to fasten the stove adapter to the exhaust stub, and while I'm sure you can get it done, I'm not sure what type of drill bit you'd need to do that. I tried last night with a high speed titanium coated 1/8" bit and made it through the adapter wall easily, but failed to do more than slightly dimple the exhaust stub itself. Harman supplied two galvanized self-tapping sheet metal type screws (where was the third?) for which I'm assuming is for attaching the stove adapter, but they could hardly mark the stub wall. Anybody know what type of metal it is? I'm guessing some type of cast iron? Anybody successfully drill their P-series exhaust stubs? What kind of bit did you use?
Anyway, I ended up just using high temp RTV silicone on the inside of the adapter followed by several wraps of high temp silicone sealing tape. Seems to be doing just fine.
Anyway, I ended up just using high temp RTV silicone on the inside of the adapter followed by several wraps of high temp silicone sealing tape. Seems to be doing just fine.