Hello Everyone hh: :red: ,
Absolutely feel blessed indeed to find this forum, thank you Hearth.com
We have been searching the web for hearth pad info as we are constructing our own. We didn't like the plain tile for our country cowboy home in Tehachapi, CA. We are confused.
We called Englander and they couldn't give specifics on how to construct one, but were helpful and kind even so. R values---huh?
We were going to construct the pad with two layers of 3/4 plywood for strength, then mortared to two 1/2" thick hardibacker board on top of each other, then 6x6 solid Slate tiles (with a diamond deco pattern set inside the edge) mortered on top of that.
Englander says we need a R value of 1.5 units or more. Checking hardibackers ratings on line I get a K value of 20.07 and an R value of 0.05. ????? We are still trying to find out the slate manufacturers R rating, but we are thinking that just eliminate the slate factor, and get the R values from underneath the slate, and we are homefree.
Englander said the pedestal Stove (we will install) can get up to 500 degrees under the pedestal with the stove burning at it's peak.
So, if anyone has any ideas or knowledge whatsoever, we would love to hear (read, hoot and peck, lol) about what to use. We also have heard contradictory information about the grout, Sanded verses Non-sanded. (Slate joints will be 3/16"). Also Latix modified thinset mortar, verses just thinset, and.........Siliconized grout verses regular grout????????????????????
We have read the previous posts about these subjects, but still would like to be updated or informed, we are avid woodstove users, but this is the first time we have actually installed one.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help in advance..........with best wishes
Ms Nightowl and Mr Woodpecker..............