I was in the bullseye this time. Just under 10 inches of liquid concrete... trees down everywhere, roads blocked. 70% of the town was out of power at one point. School cancelled for 2 days now. Same in all the neighboring towns.
We lost power for 6 hours, got it back, then lost it again when a transformer blew. Now its back. Had a bunch of large branches down all over the yard, and had to chainsaw my way out of the driveway. That wouldn't have been a big deal except the limb was buried in hte snowplow bank so I had to dig... cut... dig ... cut....
A fried of mine with no woodstove or genrator was about to come borrow my generator, but just hten his power came back... and as luck would have it an hour later mine went back out again.
The thing that's really disappointing is reading the town facebook group and seeing how unprepared, clueless and inconsiderate most residents are: People screaming mad about the power after only minutes in the dark....
People who dont know how to call the utility for info....
People who dont know to call the school district for info on school closings...
People who claim that since they have not personally seen a utility truck the utility must be lazy...
People mad that the town hasn't cut down every tree near a power line (its the utilities job AND they DO trim, every summer)
People who expect power back on in under an hour when there are 300k out...
People wanting someone to bring them a generator... so they can turn on their cable TV

People who say "I'm cold" on a facebook group and expect by magic someone will come to their aid.
People who dont know you can put refrigerator food in a cooler out in the snow to keep it fresh...