Now i know that this forum is for "wood" related gear, but because of the recent weather we have had this weekend, i have to give a shout out for my snowblower! It is a older model 27 inch, Noma 2-stage with a 10hp tecumseh SnowKing engine. I got this beast for free 2 years ago from a buddy of mine who told me it ran "great"...well, it might have run ...once...a long time before...but anyways, when i got it home the spark plug was loose and the wrong one, the gas tank had a leak in it, the headlight was broke, there were no shear pins just regular bolts, the carb was set so that when it did run it ran wide open and would not idle, the carb needed to be cleaned and rebuilt twice, and i had to put slime in the tires because they would both go flat after one day. But there was something about the big orange beast that just made me have to bring her back to life and her former glory. It took some time but she is good as new and showed her love for me this weekend by chewing through some real nasty icy chunks of 30 + inches of snow. My back appreciated it, and it felt good to be able to get the snow removed in record time, so i could sit by the woodstove while my neighbors where still outside shoveling......