Anyone have luck trying a universal thermocouple with Mendota stoves? Just bought a place with one of these installed and the unit was 'DOA', of course being myself I want to make it work. Turned on the gas and checked connections, then started to light pilot light. Held heat on the thermocouple for a while and still it wont stay lit, so I'm thinking thermocouple. I searched the part number 05-07-00067 and found a few mentions that using this unit on LPG was known to last about a year and then some said that the 05-07-00084 was better for propane. So then I have found one company that sells this unit, but then I found other posts where users stated that this one only lasted 18 months. With the first one at $20 and the second at $60, I'm not seeing where paying three times the price for a unit that will last only 6M more is worthwhile. But I thought I'd check and see if anyone has found another option than the Mendota stove thermocouples.