Hello all, i have been browsing your wonderful site for the past few days and figured it was time to join the fun.
I have grown up around wood stoves my whole life but just recently purchased a home with a fire place in it. We would like to install a wood insert into the fireplace to use in heating our home. I will be the first to admit that i know basically nothing about how this stuff works
I have learned about things such as the chimney liner and such in the last few days though.
A few details on the house.
1972 single level 1900sq Feet
the fireplace is at 1 end of the house in a fairly narrow and long living room/kitchen
the flew is not a normal chimney type but rather just triple wall pipe sticking up about 8 feet out of the hip roof
do i still need the flew liner?
What size unit should i be looking for?
Are there any options for a modern looking stove? The house is being done very modern with greys and bright colors
And lastly, $$$. we are a young family and on a budget. I understand that you get what you pay for but we just dont have the budget right now to go spend many thousands on an insert. I am thinking about starting rather inexpensive and seeing if we really do like it and will use it.
Any suggestions on where to start looking?
I have grown up around wood stoves my whole life but just recently purchased a home with a fire place in it. We would like to install a wood insert into the fireplace to use in heating our home. I will be the first to admit that i know basically nothing about how this stuff works
I have learned about things such as the chimney liner and such in the last few days though.
A few details on the house.
1972 single level 1900sq Feet
the fireplace is at 1 end of the house in a fairly narrow and long living room/kitchen
the flew is not a normal chimney type but rather just triple wall pipe sticking up about 8 feet out of the hip roof
do i still need the flew liner?
What size unit should i be looking for?
Are there any options for a modern looking stove? The house is being done very modern with greys and bright colors
And lastly, $$$. we are a young family and on a budget. I understand that you get what you pay for but we just dont have the budget right now to go spend many thousands on an insert. I am thinking about starting rather inexpensive and seeing if we really do like it and will use it.
Any suggestions on where to start looking?