We have a pretty sizable woodlot, but I'm always on the lookout for free stuff on craigslist, freecycle, newspapers, etc. Especially since half the time its already cut to length and then all I have to do is split it. I'd expect that with the warnings about heating costs jumping, free firewood would be going fast. Not so around here, apparently. I'm always being told I was the only person who called. I picked up a pickup truck load of some really heavy stuff I have not identified yet that was cut to length this past Saturday. I took what I could and left the rest for the next guy (share the wealth and all). Owner e-mails this morning - no one else called. If I were closer to some other locations, I'd have piles of free oak and maple and locust - as much as I want.
Cord of mixed wood goes for around $200 a cord. Although a local guy is now advertising $375 along with a dire warning about gas being $8 a gallon and severe runs on his wood supply. hmmmmmm - I could make a fortune at $375.
Cord of mixed wood goes for around $200 a cord. Although a local guy is now advertising $375 along with a dire warning about gas being $8 a gallon and severe runs on his wood supply. hmmmmmm - I could make a fortune at $375.