Funny how having to order 150 gals of fuel oil got me to finally re-plumb the GW. When I put cold water in her last night, she leaked at almost every threaded joint. Not knowing a damn thing about plumbing, I simply hoped that when everything got hot it would seal up. So far, so good.
Ok, assuming the attachment works, bear this in mind. The graph is somewhat misleading in that it looks like I started using more oil in December 2008. Thats because I've been slacking on recording (Where is that fully automated data-logging system?) The reality is that my oil consumption went up when the GW sprung a leak, which was sometime in the spring. So we had the summer oil useage for DHW, plus this fall an elderly gentleman moved in here. Old people like it warm!!
Ok, assuming the attachment works, bear this in mind. The graph is somewhat misleading in that it looks like I started using more oil in December 2008. Thats because I've been slacking on recording (Where is that fully automated data-logging system?) The reality is that my oil consumption went up when the GW sprung a leak, which was sometime in the spring. So we had the summer oil useage for DHW, plus this fall an elderly gentleman moved in here. Old people like it warm!!