Here are a few pics of the wood shed I built this summer. It was all recycled lumber. None of the lumber is treated. The eight vertical 4x4's are sitting on a patio block with a piece of shingle between the 4x4 and patio block. I used 2x4's horizontally around the perimeter to hang the siding. The siding was recycled cedar fence. The roof is 2x4's with 4 sheets of plywood nailed down. Then covered with silver metal barn siding. Siding was from a scrap yard. Has nail holes in it from being previously used, but I just used the same holes to nail it down. Size wise the roof is full 4 sheets of 4'x8' plywood which makes it 8'x16'. Inside height is about 6.5 feet at rear and 8 feet in the front. Put pallets on the ground inside to keep wood off the ground. The plywood and 4x4's were from a shipping container for a large printing press that a company had sitting in the back to throw away. My only investment was for a box of framing nails. Designed the 'removable' door on the right to make filling shed easier. My wood dries out back in rows, this is for winter storage only.
Edit----Oops I think this is in the wrong forum.....
Edit----Oops I think this is in the wrong forum.....