Fun fact. I can see the lignetics plant that makes the energy logs from my house! It caught on fire last year. My wife called dispatch and told them it on was on fire and they blew her off. She explained many times she lives down the road and sees the plant everyday. Finally after many more people called they took it serious. Looked like they got it confined to the roof and smoke stack.
How exactly did that conversation go?
Operator: Fire department, what is your emergency?
Caller: Hi, I see a large building which is on fire.
Operator: That sounds unlikely. Are you sure it's not a streetlight?
Caller:, it looks more like a large building which is on fire.
Operator: Can you take another look and call back later if you're really sure it's a fire and not a streetlight?
Caller: Look, I think I know the difference between a large burning building and a streetlight.
Operator: Of course you do, it's just that we get so many of this exact kind of streetlight calls... and every time we walk down to the strip club, wake the firemen, rush out to the scene, and find out it's a streetlight. Sometimes we even put on pants. Who wants to put on pants for a streetlight?
Caller: Look, is there someone else I can talk to? The fire looks like it's spreading.
Operator: Yes, streetlights can sometimes cluster together. Tell you what, give me your address, and we'll mail you a fabulous pamphlet with illustrations to help you spot the difference between a streetlight and a fire emergency.
Caller: Put your supervisor on the phone. This is an emergency.
Operator: Please hold, looks like someone else is calling about their streetlight...