We fought a BAD mole problem for several years. They were destroying her flower beds. She was repeatedly wasting good $$$ on mole repellent products. That just chased them out of the flower beds and into the lawn. I got medieval on them. We have eliminated most of the problem after a few years.
Get yourself a minimum of 2 (I recommend 4) of the Sweeney's traps. They are easy to set, easy to move around to problem areas, work quite well and kill over and over again.
Find an active trail. Stomp down a short section. Place a trap, then place another trap 2 feet down the same tunnel. If the little bastard makes it past the first trap he most likely will not make it past the 2nd trap. If you have outdoor pets, put a 5 gal bucket over the trap for protection. Our Shelties are only outside if we are with them and they don't mess with the traps so we leave ours uncovered.
If I see mole trails and set the traps, I get all giddy each time I go outside to inspect for tripped traps. Coming home from work and pulling in the driveway and seeing a tripped trap gives me the same feeling as a kid on Xmas morning. I use a round shovel to dig up a plug around the trap so I can observe the confirmed kill.