OK I could really use some help here...
I feel like I have spent a tremendous amount of time one Facebook / websites / these forums trying to figure out if I am doing something wrong, or if I just need a new wood furnace.
Quick back story:
We recently moved into a new (to us) house with a wood burner. We were told if we weren't careful it would get so hot in the house you would have to open the windows.... We struggle to keep the house at 68 degrees (with using the lp for a couple hours in the morning to heat the house back up).
I am going through a good amount of wood just trying to keep the temperature up The thermastat is set to turn on at 150 and then back off when it reaches 90 degrees. The fan turns on, then the temp seems to drop pretty drastically going back down to 90 degrees and shutting off. I bought a switch to regulate the fan speed (I was told it was maybe too powerful) and with the fan all the way down it helps... But doesn't feel like it's pushing much heat through the vents.
So long story short I'm burning a lot of wood trying to push enough heat to keep the house between 66-68 degrees (again with the help of the LP in the morning). I cannot seem to figure out what's going on and why I'm struggling so hard to keep the fan on and the heat up! Below are a couple pictures of the furnace... I'm starting to think I may just need to upgrade.. Thoughts?
I feel like I have spent a tremendous amount of time one Facebook / websites / these forums trying to figure out if I am doing something wrong, or if I just need a new wood furnace.
Quick back story:
We recently moved into a new (to us) house with a wood burner. We were told if we weren't careful it would get so hot in the house you would have to open the windows.... We struggle to keep the house at 68 degrees (with using the lp for a couple hours in the morning to heat the house back up).
I am going through a good amount of wood just trying to keep the temperature up The thermastat is set to turn on at 150 and then back off when it reaches 90 degrees. The fan turns on, then the temp seems to drop pretty drastically going back down to 90 degrees and shutting off. I bought a switch to regulate the fan speed (I was told it was maybe too powerful) and with the fan all the way down it helps... But doesn't feel like it's pushing much heat through the vents.
So long story short I'm burning a lot of wood trying to push enough heat to keep the house between 66-68 degrees (again with the help of the LP in the morning). I cannot seem to figure out what's going on and why I'm struggling so hard to keep the fan on and the heat up! Below are a couple pictures of the furnace... I'm starting to think I may just need to upgrade.. Thoughts?